The Quail … A Messenger of Peace

The Quail walk along the fence bravely
calling out revelry throughout the woods
The Tribe answers back near and far
I have fresh water waiting for them
They transcend the landscape One by One
Quail keep their tribes together and safe
Away from the Warriors who would do them harm
When one is injured
they take care until the end
A lesson Humanity could seek to attain
with all… but especially the Disabled
My tribe has rejected and abandoned me
A Long Time Ago
I fight for strength and courage
A Better Life… To Help Others Again
A Tribe that accepts me as I am
As I watch the Quail daily from my chair
I see these happy trumpeters
Helping me to recuperate
18 years of chronic pain
Ricocheting in my brain
I thought I heard them say today
All we want is Peace in Ukraine
and across all terrains
The world must look to the symbolism of the Quail
For the lessons on Mother Earth
Group Cooperation
Living in Harmony
Love… Hope… Peace
All are Imperative for our Collective Souls
to not only Survive…
but Thrive
Make This Our Goal